Interview After the European elections Subscribers

Esther Lynch: ‘The far-right  has been the main beneficiary of austerity policies’

What’s the future of Social Europe after European elections? A conversation with Esther Lynch, the European trade union confederation’s General Secretary.

Published on 17 June 2024 at 18:26
This article is reserved for our subscribers

Esther Lynch is secretary-general of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). ETUC is the largest a trade union organisation at the European level, representing about 45milions workers (93 trade union organisations in 41 European countries). 

Voxeurop: How can we analyse the abstention rate in the last EU elections in relation to the level of inequality in Europe? 

Esther Lynch: The European Parliament’s pre-election poll showed that workers were most likely to prioritise the fight against poverty, quality public services and job creation. However, it also showed that they were much less likely to vote than bosses. Clearly ensuring working people participate in European elections is key to ensuring Europe acts on their priorities.

Over the last 40 years or so, in almost all Western European countries, we have witnessed the transition of a class-based voting: the working classes have begun to vote right. Is the left responsible? The question of work and working conditions is at the heart of this problem. What can we say about the situation in Europe today?

A study by the Hans Bockler Foundation shows that people who are dissatisfied with their pay and working conditions, and have little say over their job, are more likely to be vulnerable to far-right messages. By contrast, better working conditions create trust in democratic processes and institutions. Another study (The political costs of austerity, 2022) shows that the far-right  has been the main beneficiary of austerity policies that have destroyed collectively bargained wages and working conditions.

The rise of the far-right is a backlash against neoliberal policies which weakened our social model. So, it is not just a responsibility for the left. All democratic forces have a responsibility to rebuild security and hope by delivering quality jobs and higher living standards, improved public services and a just transition in which workers have a real say, so that no worker or community is left behind.

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