It was the kind of attack we hardly expect to happen in Europe. On 15 May, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico (SMER-SD, left-populist) was the target of an assassination attempt. Hit by five bullets as he left a government meeting in the central city of Handlova, Fico was taken by an emergency medical team to the hospital. Though his status was critical, his life is no longer at risk. The perpetrator, a 71 year-old former security guard and poet, has been arrested by the police. 

While his motive remains unclear, the attack has led to a whole host of political manipulations. Those close to Fico point to his opponents, and denounce a “politically motivated” act. Misinformation about the incident quickly circulated, with Slovakia particularly vulnerable to conspiracy theories. It remains to be seen what the consequences of this attack will be, notably on the European elections, which will take place on 8 June in Slovakia. Certain observers fear an intensification of rhetoric against the media, and the undermining of the justice system for the sake of security and national unity.   

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