‘This is your work, Mr Schäuble’

Published on 18 July 2013 at 10:11


“A symbolic visit,” announces Eleftherotypia ahead of the official visit of the German finance minister, the main advocate of austerity measures, who is due to arrive in Athens on July 18. Wolfgang Schäuble is expected to announce €100m in aid to combat youth unemployment.
Adopting a critical stance, the daily explains that despite the budget reforms, Greek public debt has soared, rising from 130 per cent to 175 per cent of GDP between 2009-2013, while investment has declined by 50 per cent, and the minimum wage has been cut by 20 per cent.
In the early hours July 18, a slim majority in the Greek parliament, 153 MPs out of 300, voted to adopt a civil service reform package, in compliance with a long standing demand from the EU-ECB-IMF troika. The vote will mean that Athens can now obtain the release of a further €6.8bn of international aid, which has recently been approved by the troika.

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