Today's front pages

Published on 10 February 2012 at 10:42

The finance ministers of the eurozone have given Athens six days to come up with an additional €325m in cuts on top of a €3.3bn austerity package deemed "incomplete" in order to obtain a loan of €130 billion.


EU doesn’t trust Greek austerity plan – Financial Times Deutschland


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Severe conditions outside, political theatre inside – I Kathimerini

According to forecasts, growth in Belgium will only reach 0.1% in 2012. The government is seeking to make additional savings of €1.5 billion.


Budget well goes deeper and deeper – De Standaard

Slovaks will demonstrate for the third time today against government corruption exposed by the state security "Gorilla" file. There are now demanding an Czech style electoral system, in which electors may cast two preference votes for candidates on their chosen party list. They criticise the current system of party-list proportional representation, in which voters vote for parties instead of for individuals, arguing that it allows corrupt politicians to cling to power.

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Radičová fears violence – SME

The Portuguese fishing industry fears the entry into force of European regulations allowing the use of phosphates in drying cod. With cod a national dish, it is denouncing a move that favours Nordic countries at the expense of Portugal's traditional drying techniques, which take longer and are more expensive.


Europe attacks our cod – Jornal de Notícias

On a visit to Washington, the Italian premier has obtained the support of the U.S. President in arguing that austerity is not enough to revive the European - or the global - economy.


Obama-Monti, growth pact – La Repubblica

Demonstrations against the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), a multi-national agreement for the purpose of establishing international standards for intellectual property rights enforcement, are scheduled this February 11 in 54 German cities, but also in France, Italy, Hungary, and Bulgaria. The agreement's opponents argue that it will have adverse effects on fundamental civil and digital rights, including freedom of expression and communication privacy.


Has freedom been shelved? – Die Tageszeitung

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