Minsk summit

‘How to save Ukraine’

Published on 10 February 2015 at 10:20


"A day ahead of the 'last chance' meeting in Minsk, Western leaders nervously ponder how to deal with Russia which intensifies its aggression in Ukraine", reports Gazeta Wyborcza. Following the meeting in Washington between chancellor Angela Merkel and Barack Obama on February 9, the US president did not rule out delivering defensive weapons to Kiev. Merkel was adamant that Germany will not provide Ukraine with any armament, but stressed that ‘regardless of what the US eventually decides, our alliance will remain unchanged’. According to GW

It is often stressed that the US should act in alliance with Europe, not singlehandedly. Some even say that a threat to start delivering weapons to Ukraine, is a bluff and a way of frightening Putin. While America acts as a bad cop, Germany is the good one. The truth will come out on Wednesday [February 11], after the eventual fiasco of the “last chance” negotiations in Minsk, where leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine, will meet.

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