‘All cities turn left: 16 to 0’

Published on 11 June 2013 at 09:17


The second round of local elections on June 9 and 10 saw the Democratic Party (PD) and its allies sweep to victory in all 16 major cities contested, including Rome. The PD took six cities from the centre-right People of Freedom Party (PDL), which won only 16 of the total 92 city councils where elections were held.
Lega Nord lost its symbolic stronghold of Treviso, while Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement continued in its slide, taking only 2 minor cities. A turnout of only 48.5 per cent set another negative record.
Despite all expectations, La Repubblica notes,

The PDL is paying the highest price in the coalition government [with the PD]. Now this scheme, which seemed convenient to the centre-right, is failing because of moderate [voters’] growing disaffection [with the PDL] .

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