La viñeta de la semana Calentamiento global

La fiesta de la Tierra

Publicado en 21 abril 2022 a las 12:00

Like a party in the eye of a hurricane, 22 April 2022 marks this year’s Earth Day, a celebration of the environment. Created more than 50 years ago in the United States, the day has become an appropriately global phenomenon celebrated all over the world. This year it comes just in time, with the third and final part of the sixth IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report, published on 4 April 2022, struggling to make its mark in a media space largely monopolised by the war in Ukraine (despite the intimate connection between geopolitics and the environment).

According to the IPCC, the next few years will be crucial if we want to keep global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century. CO2 emissions will have to stop increasing by 2025, and fall by 43 percent by 2030. A 25 percent drop in emissions by 2030 would keep global warming below 2°C. In both cases, a colossal investment effort is required: "while financial flows are a factor of three to six times lower than levels needed by 2030 to limit warming to below 2°C (3.6°F), there is sufficient global capital and liquidity to close investment gaps," notes the IPCC.

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