Author may ban Hebrew editions of his work

Published on 3 June 2010 at 10:39


"Israel should be brought before the International Criminal Court:" says Henning Mankell on the front page of Dagens Nyheter, arguing that the Israeli state is guilty of piracy. The Swedish author was onboard one of the boats attacked by Israeli commandos off Gaza on 31 May, and is one of ten Swedes that were arrested after the assault. Having been released, he returned to Sweden on 1st June. In an interview with the Stockholm daily, the crime writer explains that he was stunned by the Israeli government's decision to enter into an aggressive confrontation. "Israel has never faced such widespread condemnation," he says, "in a world where much has changed in the course of just one week." A well-known author in Israel, where his books are best-sellers, Henning Mankell wonders if he should continue to allow his books to be translated into Hebrew, but he adds, "I haven't made a decision on that yet. That kind of action should be properly targeted."

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