Raport despre CIA

“Agenţiile de spionaj au cerut Statelor Unite să ascundă legăturile cu Marea Britanie în raportul asupra torturii”

Publicat pe 12 decembrie 2014 la 11:33


British authorities have admitted that evidence of their use of torture was deleted from this week’s controversial US report on the CIA, reports The Guardian.
The daily cites a British government spokesperson who says intelligence agencies met their US counterparts to ensure “any redactions sought […] would have been on national security grounds in the way we might have done with any other report.” For The Guardian

the admission will fuel suspicions that the report – while heavily critical of the CIA – was effectively sanitised to conceal the way in which close allies of the US became involved in the global kidnap and torture programme that was mounted after the al-Qaida attacks [of 11 September 2001].

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