United Kingdom
The Independent, 22 March 2010

Ex-ministers in sleaze scandal

Published on 22 March 2010 at 13:51
The Independent, 22 March 2010


Three Labour former cabinet ministers face a sleaze inquiry after being filmed offering to exploit their government connections for money, leads the Independent. In a Channel 4 investigation, former Trade and Industry Secretary Stephen Byers is seen offering his services to an undercover reporter posing as a US company executive recruiting MPs for lobbying work. Mr Byers is “recorded describing himself as a "sort of cab for hire" with rates of up to £5,000 a day,” the London daily reports. He also boasts that he “secured secret deals with ministers, could get confidential information from Number 10 and was able to help firms involved in price-fixing get round the law.” The ex-ministers, who now face an investogation “deny any wrongdoing.” However, the “closeness of the election… makes the accusations against three former ministers particularly damaging,” observes an Independent leader.

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