Press review North by Northwest

The lives of undocumented others

This month's selection of carefully chosen topics and articles from the independent press to give an insight into what's happening in Northwestern Europe: Sweden’s ruling coalition prepares to introduce a law forcing public employees to report undocumented migrants, Pope Francis pleads for humanity, and Belgian researchers map the geographical continuity of the far-right and far-left in Flanders.

Published on 5 October 2023 at 10:39

Instead of European solidarity, recent events in Lampedusa triggered all too familiar discord, between Italy, Germany and France especially. With the 2024 European elections looming, it’s safe to say that migration will be a key issue for many voters. Below I highlight five standout articles dealing with various responses to the issue in Sweden, France and Belgium.  

While Sweden’s three-party coalition was narrowly elected on a platform of reducing immigration, one particular proposal is causing considerable pushback from Swedish unions and public sector workers. The law, part of the Tidö Agreement which established the coalition, would oblige public employees to report all undocumented migrants they encounter – patients, clients, students, colleagues – to immigration authorities.

Arbetet, a Swedish paper focused on workers’ rights and the labour market, talked to lawyer and labour law expert Tommy Iseskog about the implications of the proposed law (Lawyer on whistleblower law: "We would end up in the same club as East Germany", by Anton Andersson, SV). Besides violating “basic democratic principles” and placing Sweden in the “same club as East Germany”,  Iseskog argues that the law is incoherent and incompatible with Sweden’s existing labour laws.     

Rebecca Selberg in The Conversation (Professionals in Sweden are pushing back hard against a rightwing plan to make them snitch on undocumented migrants, by Rebecca Selberg, EN) describes the forces – including teachers, nurses and social workers, as well as their unions – rising in opposition to the so-called “snitch law”. Selberg concludes that any climbdown from the policy could cause the hardline Sweden Democrats to pull the plug on the Tidö agreement and even the coalition itself. 

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In France, there was a more spiritual battle on the topic of migration. Two articles in Le Grand Continent provide the historical and religious context behind the mass led by Pope Francis in Marseille on 23 September. 

To the predictable dismay of French conservatives, Pope Francis took the opportunity to condemn “alarmist propagandaand plead for a humane response to people fleeing hardship. Marseille, the second largest Mediterranean port, made a fitting location, as Jean-Benoît Poulle explains (Pope Francis’s Mass in Marseille: 10 things to know about the visit “to the Mediterranean” but “not to France”, Jean-Benoît Poulle, FR ES). Formerly a “crossroads of civilisation”, the Mediterranean has, according to the Pope, become an “underwater graveyard” in recent years.

Meanwhile, Gilles Gressani (The church and migration: the prophetic choice of a multiethnic Europe, Gilles Gressani, FR IT ES) traces the Pope’s words back to those spoken by former archbishop of Milan Carlo Maria Martini in 1990. When Francis suggests that the Mediterranean "cries out for justice, with its shores that on the one hand exude affluence, consumerism and waste, while on the other there is poverty and instability", he echoes Martini’s declaration that migration is “an invitation to reverse the decadent course towards consumerism and facile satisfaction with our possessions”.

Of perhaps little surprise, migration turns out to be one of the lasting factors behind far-right electoral success in Flanders, writes Knack (Far-left and far-right strongholds in Flanders: not always the same as in the 1930s, Jeroen de Preter, NL, paywall). 

Four years ago, historian Davide Cantoni concluded that Germany’s Alternativ für Deutschland is more successful in the same regions in which Adolf Hitler’s National Socialists were more successful in 1933. Inspired by this research, Leuven-based political scientists Marc Hooghe and Dieter Stiers wanted to see if similar “geographical continuities” can be identified in Flanders. Instead of 1933, they compare the elections of 1936 and 2019, when both the far-left (the Communist Party of Belgium, and the Workers’ Party of Belgium) and far-right (the Flemish National Union, and Vlaams Belang) performed remarkably well.

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Interestingly, Hooghe and Stiers find that this continuity only exists for the far-left, and not for the far-right. They do, however, find some continuity between regions where the far-right were less successful, namely large cities with a more diverse and more educated populace (“the far-right and higher education, as a rule, are not a good match”). The researchers point out that anti-immigration parties do better in areas with less migration. Even in 1936, the cities were relatively diverse, with workers from Eastern Europe, and Jewish people fleeing anti-semitism.   

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