‘Each ministry to get 20 extra police officers to reinforce security’

Published on 27 November 2013 at 11:10


Trade unionists and members of the anti-austerity Que se Lixe a Troika! ["Fuck the Troika!"] movement held protests inside the ministries of finance, environment, economy and health on November 26, to coincide with a parliamentary vote on the 2014 budget.

The demonstrations ended after government representatives met campaigners, however the ease with which protesters accessed the buildings has led to a decision to boost security and deploy an additional 20 officer at ministerial offices.

In its editorial, Diário de Notícias praised

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the important role of these social movements in working as a counterweight to the excesses of the executive power, and how the protesters have stayed within the limits of the proper democratic process ever since the bailout programme was agreed with the troika.

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